Thursday 16 July 2015

Proud to support our local community

We're proud to support our local community and were at Mad Ave Studios riparian planting held recently at Omaru stream.

It's great to see so many people caring about their community and beautifying projects such as this make for a fantastic neighbourhood.

We're doing our part by not only supporting these local initiatives like the riparian planting, but protecting the local stream network.

Where we are developing new properties, we ensure that the underground infrastructure is upgraded from what was acceptable in the 1940's 

These upgrades include devices to recharge groundwater systems and reduce peak storm-water flows into the local stream network. 

Thus ensuring that the hard work of the people who live in the area is protected.

Thursday 9 July 2015

The changing face of Glen Innes

Auckland is a beautiful place on a crisp winter's morning like we are experiencing today. With a hard frost coating the grass, it almost looks as if there is snow on the ground.

The golden retriever who walks with us most mornings had no hesitation in rolling on the crisp frozen ground. He does, however, unlike us have a nice double coat to insulate him from the freezing temperature of the local park.

Sitting inside a warm, double glazed insulated home, some of us could be forgiven for believing that the winter sun now streaming in the north-facing windows is warming the ground as it warms the inside of our home. A quick trip outside soon dispels that myth and cold reality bites at naked hands and feet.

These are some of things we have carefully thought about while we have been redesigning homes for sites in Glen Innes.

We've removed the cold, damp and uninsulated weatherboard  homes that face south and taken care to ensure that the new homes we are building in their place take advantage of slim pickings that are mid-winter sunshine.

New homes will be on the market very soon. Keep and eye on our website and the Facebook page so you don't miss out.

You too, can be enjoying the warmth offered by a north facing, double glazed and insulated home in time for winter 2016.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Creating beautiful interiors

At Creating Communities, we're proud of the homes that we have had a part in building in the Glen Innes community.

We love the interiors of our new homes as much as we love the exteriors.

Everything is new and exciting. Clean lines and vibrant colours finish the modern look and feel of each new home.

Meticulously designed with double glazing and quality chattels this property didn't remain on the market for long.

The modern open plan kitchen, lounge and dining rooms lead the eye to take advantage of the views out beyond the courtyard areas.

This new home, like many of the properties currently under construction is in a perfect location, with easy access to public transport and the motorway system.

We will be bringing more property to the market soon that we're equally proud to be a part of creating. 

Make sure you keep checking our website so you're the first to know when our next new homes are available to purchase.