Monday 12 October 2015

Lights, Camera, Action

Here at Creating Communities we're proud of what we've achieved in Glen Innes in the short time that we've been a part of the community. So proud in fact, we're putting together a video to showcase some of our new homes and the local area.

We're bringing a new batch of homes to market and so we thought this was the optimum time to show you what we've been doing. Our homes are carefully constructed, taking into account the particular idiosyncrasies of each site and taking advantage of the local topography and close proximity to transport, schools and the Village.

There's no dispute that Glen Innes is the place to be with fabulous homes, great neighbours and lots of exciting retail stores to explore.  Mission Bay is just down the road and it was buzzing with people the day we were down there filming.

We're so enamoured with Glen Innes, we're giving away t-shirts sharing the love.  Visit our Facebook page, post a photograph of your favourite place in Glen Innes and we'll share it with all of our followers and send you a t-shirt for your trouble.

We're committed to improving the quality of the lives of the people who live and work in Glen Innes and we're doing that one home at a time.