Tuesday 22 September 2015

Of High Viz. Vests and Hard Hats

Some days it's a struggle to remember what blue sky looks like, especially with the current spring rains hitting so hard. It seems as if the weeks have been filled with nothing but continual downpours.

However, like the local bird population (there are ducklings everywhere...) our new homes are multiplying. We're pleased to report that our diligent contractors are busy building new houses behind a myriad of steel fences and "construction site" signs.

This can make it tricky for us when we need to photograph progress for our 'coming soon' page of the website. Don't forget to check out the page at www.creatingcommunities.co.nz and see what's going to be available soon.

However, without complaint, we don our trusty yellow hard hat, high viz. vest and steel capped gumboots and trudge through the debris that is a busy building site to bring you fine shots like this one:

Or there's this one, taken from the relative safety of the footpath across the street:

After a hard morning taking photographs, we stashed the hat, vest and gumboots in the boot of the car and rewarded ourselves with a nice freshly brewed coffee (and a little something sweet) from the cafe at Nosh. It's just down the road from these houses and an amazing asset to have in Glen Innes.

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